If you want to attract wildlife into your garden, there are a number of things, which you can do to attract them. If you want to attract wild bird in particular to your garden, there are a few simple things you will need to do to make your garden appealing to them. One of the easiest things you could do is put up a bird feeder. These are relatively cheap to get hold of and will need to be filled up on a weekly basis. You can buy specific wild bird seed to keep your new additions happy. Bird food usually consists of peanuts, nuts and seeds which birds absolutely love. They will relish your wild bird feeder especially during the winter months when other food can be particularly difficult to find. To go a step further, you might want to consider putting up a wild bird nesting box. Before you put your box up, you need to find a suitable place to put it. It should be high enough off the ground to stop any dogs or cats scaring away the birds and somewhere that is sheltered from any harsh weather. Usually a garage wall is perfect or a garden wall will do if you don't have a garage.